The songs of Diary of a Cool Kid

If you might see here is my favorite songs if you can.I made this from Windows Media Player.... Sorry Its unavailable... Try it later...

2008년 4월 27일 일요일

Defference between Mad Mod and the art of Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Here are the differences between the book of it and the Art that I made... But You'll never know see what it looks like.But if you want to go to for more details plus I will send an Email of that picture... But this is the picture of Rodrick to be ready to be in a race of the 2008 World Records... You may send comments to it to! But you might see here is Mad Mod from Teen Titans Revving up of Cartoon Network....

Teen Titans Version-
I had to admit you may send some comments to it.... Enjoy!!!!!!!!

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Chang's :

Hello I just bookmark this from the google bookmarks...